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Pritesh Bhakta and Avni Suresh are the co-captains of Texas Raas, an Indian dance team at the University of Texas at Austin. Bhakta said students who wanted to bring their culture to UT founded the team in 2003.

By Mia Uhunmwuangho


“Texas Raas is a form of dance that stems from traditional Indian dancing performed by Lord Krishna,” Bhakta said. 

Suresh said that the team focuses on two styles of performance: Garba and Dandiya Raas. In Garba, dancers move swiftly in circles with their hands swaying from left to right, flicking their wrists to the pace of the beat. Women spin in the center, while men jump around them. 


The spinning motions in Garba are seen in Dandiya Raas, but with a different twist. Bhakta said that this style of performance requires dancers to rapidly roll colorful sticks between their fingers. 

Both Garba and Dandiya Raas play a role in shaping Texas Raas, but Suresh said that these are not the only traditional aspects inspiring the team.


“We dance barefoot because that’s how the dance is traditionally performed in the rural areas," Suresh said. "We also wear the same costumes that are worn in the village."

Bhakta said that these traditions help him preserve his culture.


“Tradition matters to me because it’s my culture,” Bhakta said. “Even though I wasn’t born in India, I can still practice my culture and keep in touch with my roots.”

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